Monday, March 23, 2009


Hello and welcome to JDC Rocks Rwanda!, where participants on Tufts Hillel's and the JDC's short-term summer service trip to the Agahozo - Shalom Youth Village in Rwanda will chronicle our adventure -- before, during and after our trip. My name is Ben Gittleson, and I'm serving as the student coordinator for the trip. I'm so excited about the incredible opportunities our group is going to have over the coming months as we get ready for Africa. This experience promises to have a profound impact on all those involved.

A brief look at some of our pre-trip programming:

  • We're looking forward to a visit next week by Will Recant, the JDC’s assistant executive vice president, who will be traveling along with us to Rwanda. Will will speak about the JDC's work and will provide us with a special opportunity to learn more about the village. At that orientation session, Will will be joined by Ed Merrin, who along with his wife Vivian is generously providing funding for our trip and who will discuss his involvement with the JDC and the village.
  • Soon after that session, we will hold an orientation session with Peter Uvin, an academic dean and the Henry J. Leir Professor of International Humanitarian Studies at the Fletcher School. Professor Uvin recently is an expert on political and social dynamics in Burundi and Rwanda, Innovations in development aid, post-conflict assistance and peacebuilding and development and human rights. He also recently wrote a book entitled "Life After Violence: A People's Story of Burundi."
-Fundraising and In-Kind Goods: In the lead-up to our trip, we'll be raising money to furnish a home for 16 youth at the village. We'll also focus on collecting new or like-new sneakers, walking shoes and sturdy sandals, a pressing need at the village. More info on our fundraising efforts to come soon!

We're less than two months away from our departure, and everyone in the group is incredibly excited. We've formed a number of committees overseeing fundraising, blogging, gifts, etc. In the coming weeks and months, participants will post committee-related updates and information here.

Keep checking back as we update our blog!